Billy Bear

Hello everyone, meet Billy! Billy has been in our preschool room for some time and once helped to teach the children their phonics. Billy has decided he wants a change of scenery and is now looking forward to his adventures with the children!! We will be sending Billy home with a different preschool children each week/couple of days. All we are asking is that you take some photo’s of Billy on his adventures with your child/ren, add these into the book with a brief comment on what Billy has been up to and return to nursery once you have completed (Max length of Billy’s adventures is one week, any longer than this and we will need Billy returning to ensure we have sufficient time for everyone to have a turn with Billy). Billy loves any type of adventure, from visiting the park to having a cosy weekend in, so no matter what Billy gets up to we would love to hear it, no adventure too small for Billy! So far Billy has been to the coffee shop with Lisa, to a 1st birthday party with Sarah and to gymnastics, to see the trains and even tried to go swimming with Autumn. We can’t wait to see all his upcoming adventures!